Special service for my clients-------your agent in china


any clients who order from me can ask me be your agent in china, China now is world factory and produce all kinds of products, from computer to shoes, from original big company to replica shoes/ replica belts/repilca bags etc products, i i live in putian city, fujian province, china,  my city is famous for producing all kinds of brand shoes, like nike, adidas or puma, new balance shoes. so i can get all brand shoes, mlb jersey, nba jersey, nfl jersey, all brands snapbacks. but maybe some products that my city don't have.

as you know the chinese seller, especially the replica products/ copy products seller love use western union or money gram as payment method, if you send money to a new seller, you maybe have face risk not get what you ordered~`````````` a lots scammers do this thing before. at 2007, my city 30 youth people was caught in jail for cheat people , they claimed they have SONY PSP2, orginal iphone, nokia n95 ( at that time, nokia still a giant company and super successful), when western country buyers send money to them, they picked up the money and disappered~```````` one youth boy in USA want rich get suicided because his money was borrowed from others :(

right now, such thing become less and less, but still happen, for your money safe,you can ask your new sellers contacted me first or let me called him/she first, my chinese phone number is 86 -13107996135



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