why my chinese supplier give me a website without domain name?especially the replica factory
Have you have such experience, when you ask your chinese seller, most the replica belts, brand tshirts wholesaler, replica watches factory will give you a link like following way this link is for belts, you can open it without any problem all brand tshirts, shoes, scarf etc products all kinds brand watch, jerwerlly. this links before called qiqifashion, it is a big and famous replica factory which live in guanzhou, it is changed the domin name for old name http://www.qiqifashion.com/ no longer working and its change to http://qiqifashion01.net/ aslo die, too famous to live
so all these famous brand replica factory only use website without domin name
for me, i have the same problem, before i have 2 website and both is short life
one is www.hatfans.net, one is snapbackandjersey.com, so i use the yupoo album to show the products
http://v.yupoo.com/photos/huang0108/albums/ if you want wholesale cheap hats, wholesale brand snapbacks, wholesale nba jersey, wholesale good quality jersey from china, you need contact me. my email is billhuang32@gmail.com this link is for belts, you can open it without any problem all brand tshirts, shoes, scarf etc products all kinds brand watch, jerwerlly. this links before called qiqifashion, it is a big and famous replica factory which live in guanzhou, it is changed the domin name for old name http://www.qiqifashion.com/ no longer working and its change to http://qiqifashion01.net/ aslo die, too famous to live
so all these famous brand replica factory only use website without domin name
for me, i have the same problem, before i have 2 website and both is short life
one is www.hatfans.net, one is snapbackandjersey.com, so i use the yupoo album to show the products
http://v.yupoo.com/photos/huang0108/albums/ if you want wholesale cheap hats, wholesale brand snapbacks, wholesale nba jersey, wholesale good quality jersey from china, you need contact me. my email is billhuang32@gmail.com
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