why my snapbacks and jersey business can last so long? already 10 years

well, it is a amazing, since 2007 year i back to my hometown, putian city,fujian province, i already selling replica/copy products for 10 years!!! many people told me before like this way-----------Bill, your biz won't last forever, because you doing fake/copy products biz. yes, i agreed this opinion for long time, but now 10 years already, the reason is easy and profound.

1. most people on the world is poor, they don't have money to waste. you can see a yeezy shoes selling at black market over usd 700!!! the offical price is only 150 only, the mother fucker adidas company use hunger marketing let only a few people to get people liked shoes, how the common or poor guys can do? they also want the hottest fashion products.  so replica shoes/ replica NBA jersey/ replica bags, replica new era hats~````````` too many replica products come out

2.i do honest biz, i never want to hide this fact my products is replica or copy, they are replica hats, but they are nice hats, same quality but not from the license factory.

3. i always compentate my clients when their packages sucked at custom, it is normal when the custom found the shoes/jersey/snapbacks is fake, especially in USA custom, the other country,especailly the third world won't have this thing happen,as long as you pay the tax. you will get the pakcages. USA custom will hold these packages and won't give it to you. so what can you do?---------take it easy, i will reship the sucked packages again to make sure you get what you ordered. sounds fair to you? yes, but it is means i lose money, i just want my clients all happy

if you want doing replica biz, you can contact me at billhuang32@gmail.com or text me at 0086-13107996135, my album is



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