2023 the replica industry is changed-----Pandabuy or cssbuy will kill the dhgate soon~~~~~

 since 2009 i begin selling the replica items , i witness the biz changed many times, first i sell at alibaba, then alibaba closed my shop, then i open account at youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@snapbackandjersey try get more clients,  now i do the samething at tiktok: billhuangshoes, it is small thing for person but now a big trend is coming. clients use china agent ship their replica items.

before 2023. i don’t know anything about pandabuy, but i worked with cssbuy before, (CSSBuy is a well-known Chinese proxy shopping and shipping service. It assists individuals who want to purchase products from Chinese websites or online marketplaces that may not offer international shipping or are difficult for non-Chinese speakers to navigate.) in shorts, if you don’t know any chinese friend and want lower cost, you perfer use CSSbuy to order. most people like buy the replica bags, shoes and clothes which no able find at their own country.

DHgate,is a popular online marketplace based in China that allows businesses and individuals to buy and sell a wide range of products in bulk or for personal use. it is famous for all kinds replicaa items, very like yupoo. but the yupoo usually is factory, dhgate is person, the price dhgate is higher than the pandabuy or cssbuy.

usd 25 dunk shoes at cssbuy or pandabuy, usd 45 or 55 at dhgate. the same quality

i already saw a lots video at tiktok show how order from china agent directy, the pandabuy or cssbuy share the yupoo links and you can ask the sellers ship to your china agent address. that will save 10 dollar each shoes which the profit belong to dhgate sellers.

i most sell og verison shoes or clean factory watches, so i affected little by the trend. 

if you have question for cheap china replica items. welcome contact me billhuang32@gmail.com


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