why AA caps is so hot and always out of stock?

 this year the aa quality caps or 1:1 caps become super hot, they are no cheap. usually 1-2 dollar higher than common caps,but always out of stock. here is the reason :

because the original new era mlb patch caps with fitted style now usually over usd 100 dollar. the AA caps only 10 dollar, the resellers can buy from china and sell them like 30-40 dollar. so the demand is huge

here i put the yupoo links with aa caps or 1:1 caps,hope can help you out

aa caps or 1:1 mlb caps usually have its own lable and the inside paper is with new era logo paper


see the video to see what its difference with normal quality caps

https://qihang88888.x.yupoo.com/albums      AA CAPS

https://dfan666.x.yupoo.com/albums/168179329?uid=1&isSubCate=false&referrercate=3861301     AA CAPS     Password 168168

https://huang0108.x.yupoo.com/   AA  CAPS

http://x.yupoo.com/photos/1655/albums      1:1 quality caps, higer price, please attention.  bad stock now

if you want order, welcome contact me at billhuangcaps@qq.com or whatapp 86-13107996135 


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