Why more and more chinese replicas seller use Yupoo?
This question is very similar to https://snapbackandjersey.blogspot.com/2017/02/why-my-chinese-supplier-give-me-website.html but a bit different here is the answer, the yupoo is the third biggest photo-hosting/sharing sites in China,something like Photobucket and Yahoo-Photos in USA, Yupoo is a Chinese image-based social network, allowing users to upload and arrange digital photos in galleries and collections. A Google search for “ Yupoo ” demonstrates that a frequent use of the site for Western audiences is sourcing fake goods – with profiles selling counterfeits appearing on the first page of results. It appears that some users, mostly located in China, are using the website to upload catalogues of their fake goods, for which potential buyers can either contact them directly or be linked to legitimate-looking listings on popular online marketplaces. The yupoo now is get more and more people know, The use of Yupoo by counterfeiters appears to ...